Student Tax

Self-education expenses


You can claim a deduction for self-education expenses if the education relates to your employment activities.

What are self-education expenses?

Self-education expenses are the costs you incur when you:

  • undertake courses at an educational institution (whether or not the courses lead to a formal qualification)
  • attend work-related conferences or seminars
  • do self-paced learning and study tours (whether within Australia or overseas).
Eligibility to claim self-education expenses
  • maintains or improves the specific skills or knowledge you require in your employment activities
  • results in, or is likely to result in, an increase in your income from your employment activities.
When you can’t claim a deduction

You can’t claim a deduction for a self-education expense if, at the time you incur the expenses:

  • it doesn’t have a sufficient connection to your employment activities at that time
  • you are not employed
  • it only relates in a general way to your employment activities at that time โ€“ such as undertaking a full-time fashion photography course and working as a casual sales assistant on the weekends
  • it enables you to get new employment or change employment โ€“ such as moving from employment as a nurse to employment as a doctor.
Keeping records for self-education expenses

You must keep receipts for all self-education expenses you incur, including:

  • course fees
  • text books
  • stationery
  • depreciating assets such as computers, laptops and office equipment
  • transport and travel expenses.
  • your receipts or invoices that clearly show the cost of the depreciating asset and the date of purchase
  • details of how you worked out the effective life of the depreciating asset where you haven’t used the effective life determined by the ATO
  • details of how you work out your claim for decline in value, including which method you used and the opening adjustable value
  • details of the percentage of time you use the asset for self-education.
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